I love shopping in my principal closet from which I extract outfits for a particular month or season. Selected outfits are based on my top activities and my favorite colors for that month or season. These selected pieces become my Capsule Wardrobe.
A capsule wardrobe can be maintained in several ways. You may curate a specific area of your principal closet, place in a separate closet or add to a clothing rack.
I go through this process monthly but you could also limit to quarterly (per season). Here are a few Benefits for creating a capsule wardrobe:
+Conducting regular inventory of what you have, love and use. Note: In-season items skipped over and over is usually an indication that it’s time for me to release.
+Reducing decision fatigue. How beautiful to have a selection of outfits already set to go. Eliminates time deciding ‘what to wear’.
+Saves money: when you know what you have and it is readily available, you don’t waste dollars buying the same item or similar because you are unable to locate.
+Intentional shopping: when you are clear on what you have and need, you make better choices at the store rather than making impulsive purchases.
A capsule wardrobe gives you the peace of mind that what you have is useful, needed and loved. How beautiful to surround yourself and use that which truly represents you.