
Taming the Mail
One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to wardrobe organization: Should I color sort or not? Depends…

To Color Sort Wardrobe or Not?
One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to wardrobe organization: Should I color sort or not? Depends…

Christmas Tree Decor
December is here and if you have not yet tackled your tree, now is the time! If styling a tree is not something you enjoy, it’s OK, keep it SIMPLE.

20-Minute Wins
If we could snap our fingers and have our desired spaces transformed, we all would, but is it realistic? However, a simple approach is to start small. There is power in small wins.

Capsule Wardrobe Benefits
I love shopping in my principal closet from which I extract outfits for a particular month or season. Selected outfits are based on my top activities and my favorite colors for that month or season. These selected pieces become my Capsule Wardrobe…

Organizing a Peaceful Space
Aside from Organizing for a Vision impaired Client, organizing a Mortuary’s beauty supply items was definitely a unique experience I will not soon forget.

Don’t Knock It Until You Try It
Our styles change and as much as we hold on to things no longer serving us, we are also reluctant to try new things that could work for us.

A Lesson in Minimalism—Living with Intention
I recently had an opportunity to visit my Pro Organizer colleague and friend Xiomara Romero of Lilly’s Organizing and her hubby’s home for the last three years. You see, this was not your ordinary expected structure…

How to Transition from Spring to Summer Wardrobe
Editing your closet seasonally is so rewarding, it is at times a discovery and other times a reacquaintance with special pieces. My personal preference is to do so quarterly, but at minimum recommend twice yearly (spring/summer and fall/winter).

To Decant or Not
Should you decant your food into visible containers or maintain in original packaging? It really is a matter of preference and how you need that space to work for you.

Essentialist-Living a Color-Filled Way with Less
Essentialist – Living a Color-Filled Way with Less January 17, 2022 There are Minimalists and there are Maximalists but then there are those who have

My ‘Gotta Have It’ Travel Essentials
My ‘Gotta Have It’ Travel Essentials November 19, 2021 Thanksgiving week kicks off a busy holiday travel season for many. Whether traveling on the road

The College Edition
The College Edition August 6, 2021 It’s time for the start of a new school year and for some, the focus is readying your little

Purge • Donate • Exhale
Purge • Donate • Exhale!!! June 30, 2021 In the past year many have become painfully aware that we live in a world of excess.

Eco-Friendly Living
Eco-FriendlyLiving June 1, 2021 Most of us regularly recycle at home—bottles, paper and plastic. In our home we simplified the process for recycling by investing

Simplifying One Category at a Time
Simplifying One Categoryat a Time April 22, 2021 As Professional Organizers we often hear “I have so many items in my closet, I simply don’t know

5 Spring Cleaning Actions for a Lighter Feel
5 Spring Cleaning Actions for a Lighter Feel April 1, 2021 Spring is finally here, flowers are blooming and we welcome increased sunny skies. It

Spring Capsule Wardrobe
Spring Capsule Wardrobe March 15, 2021 It is March Madness here in the Washington, D.C. area; our weather temps ranges from 40s to 70s. March

7 Benefits of Virtual Organization
The College Edition August 6, 2021 Let’s face it, in spite of our greatest efforts to exercise Safety, COVID-19 still has us pivoting to find

Let’s G.O.! Stress-Free Travel
Let’s G.O.! Stress -Free Travel January 25, 2021 It’s 2021 and COVID still has us on travel restrictions. However, I guarantee that once lifted, there

Reset August 16, 2020 “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” -Ben Franklin. One of my all time favorite quotes! Even in

Organizing Handbags with Style
Organizing Handbags with Style July 17, 2020 Colorful Textured Handbag and Patent Leather Wallet Handbags and its contents says a lot about a person’s personality.

Pivoting July 1, 2020 As a result of COVID-19 Pandemic, one of the things many companies and business owners have had to do is PIVOT.

Let’s Talk Suitcases
Let’s Talk Suitcases June 1, 2020 While I am certain most would much rather pack a suitcase for travel right now, truth is COVID-19 Quarantine

Time Management | Teleworking Plans
Time Management & Teleworking Plans April 28, 2020 COVID-19 Quarantine restrictions have found most spending increased time at home. This will now require reevaluating and rescheduling