One Category
at a Time
April 22, 2021

As Professional Organizers we often hear “I have so many items in my closet, I simply don’t know where to begin organizing.” To which I answer “start small.” Instead of tackling the entire space, start with one category, one shelf, one drawer at a time when doing without the help of a Professional.
In my quest to SIMPLIFY and live with much less, I too am assessing category by category to eliminate items I don’t love or no longer need. Letting go of my icing (accessories) is not an easy process, but I am determined. While I love purses, I rarely wear clutches. So thought it best to begin with that collection.
Proud to say, I focused on my favorite 7 clutches and letting go of the rest. When you focus on what you get to keep vs what you are letting go, the process becomes less painful. Selecting fewer means I can now repurpose the large storage bin once used for clutches in exchange for bulkier seasonal storage. My clutches are now displayed as a visual reminder to use or let go!
A little history— these colorful clutches are Molas; they are hand-made by the Kuna Indians in Panama, my birthplace. The mola originated with the tradition of Kuna women painting their bodies in geometric designs with the use of available natural colors. Later these designs were woven in cotton to create beautiful and colorful art, wall hangings, clothing and accessories. It is one of the Kunas economic resources and one of the most typical souvenirs tourists typically take home from Panama.
When traveling to other places and countries, I am intentional with souvenir purchases. Instead of focusing on mugs and magnets. I purchase items unique to that place. Love that I get to display and enjoy my prize selection; how D’Vine!