Spring Capsule Wardrobe
March 15, 2021

It is March Madness here in the Washington, D.C. area; our weather temps ranges from 40s to 70s. March is also the perfect time to begin shifting your wardrobe and shopping for pieces (if needed) to create your Spring Capsule Wardrobe.
A capsule wardrobe involves selecting and creating specific go-to outfits surrounding your activities. It works best using separate pieces that are interchangeable. Following are tips to prepare you to Spring forward in creating YOUR Capsule Wardrobe.
• First, revisit winter clothing before storing or setting aside to identify which pieces you still really love and fits properly. These are the items you keep. Make a bold move and donate or sell those that no longer make you happy or fits your current lifestyle. Prepare to store items you keep in bins or move to a separate hanging space or closet over the next month until fall.
• Shed dark clothing and opt for lighter and brighter colors; it’s an immediate booster. Have you noticed most people wear mostly black when it’s raining? Since spring also means more rain, be intentional about doing just the opposite; add a light or bright color (i.e., blouse, scarf, necklace, handbag).
• Conduct your spring inventory focused on your activities. The clothing you keep should match those activities. This process also helps identify your needs vs wants. Assess what you already have to meet those activities and add needed items on a TO-BUY list (Tip: create handy notes on your phone).
• Secure an Accountability Partner to revisit your Spring/summer clothing; hire a Pro Organizer, stylist or enlist a friend to identify what stays and what goes. You know your girlfriend will let you know when it’s time to let it go. Have a purge party!
• Create a style board of what you envision as YOUR look. As seen in photo, my current style is comfy, bohemian Chic! Visit department stores on-line, magazines and sites like Pinterest for style inspiration.
Remember creating a capsule wardrobe doesn’t mean you are only entitled to keep 2 dresses, 4 pants, 2 skirts and 2 jackets (unless that is your thing). It is about only retaining and surrounding yourself with useful pieces and letting go of that which no longer suits you. While you are encouraged to simplify and minimize your clothing, it is about ridding yourself of the excess to make room to fully enjoy what you keep. SHOP YOUR CLOSET first, work with what you keep and enhance with key pieces identified along the way. Capsule wardrobes saves time once you create outfits and know what’s available. It also reduces the “I don’t know what to wear” chat with your clothing in your closet.
Creating a capsule will prepare you to SPRING FORWARD, which by the way occurred early this year on Sunday, March 14. Secure accountability and create your spring capsule like a boss!